Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

We take your privacy very seriously. Please read this privacy policy carefully as it contains important information on who we are and how and why we collect, store, use, and share any information relating to your personal data in connection with your use of our website. It also explains your rights concerning your personal data and how to contact us or a relevant regulator in the event you have a complaint.

We collect, use, and are responsible for certain personal data about you. We are subject to the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR). We are also subject to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) regarding the goods and services we offer to individuals and our wider operations in the European Economic Area (EEA).

This privacy policy may change from time to time and your continued use of the website will be considered as acceptance of such changes. Therefore, please check the website occasionally for any updates in due course of time. Your acceptance of our privacy policy is not effective until you first use our website. If you do not agree with our privacy policy, please stop using our website immediately.

2. Who we are

Milanion NTGS Ltd is a Private limited liability company registered in England and Wales under company number 13085070. The registered office and principal place of business is 65 Delamere Road, Hayes, England, UB4 0NN. Our nominated representative can be contacted through (email/phone).

We respect your right to privacy and the personal information provided by you will be processed according to the Data Protection Laws.

We are the ‘data controller for the information that we collect when you visit our website. That means that we decide how to use information about you (referred to as ‘personal data’) and we are responsible for looking after your personal data in accordance with data protection legislation. We will explain below how we collect and use your personal data, and what we mean by the term ‘personal data’. Please note that when we refer to ‘processing’ your personal data, what we mean is using your personal data in connection with this website by acquiring it, using it, storing it, communicating it to other people (with your consent or as part of our service to you) or deleting it.

3. What this policy applies to

This privacy policy relates to your use of our website only. Our website and services may contain any links to the third-party website. Those third-party websites may also gather information about you in accordance with their own separate privacy policies. For privacy information relating to those third-party websites, please consult their privacy policies as appropriate.

4. Personal data we collect about you

Personal data or information includes the data which we may collect about you through the activities carried out by you on our website. We will collect and use the following personal data about you:

• Personal/business identity data includes first and last name. when you fill out the Request for Consultation form, we may collect personal information such as your name, company name, contact number, and email; and

• Contact Data includes email address, telephone number, and address.

You must provide this personal data as appropriate, e.g., when you fill out the request for consultation form on the website. You can choose if you want to give us your personal data and let us use it. We will also tell you whether declining to share that personal data will have any effect appropriate on your use of our website or any services on it.

Through our website, we do not collect any type of special categories of personal data or information about you. Which describes your Race, ethnicity, sex, religious beliefs, or any kind of political opinion. Moreover, we do not collect any information or data about your health or any previous convictions or criminal offence.

5. How your personal data is collected

We may collect, store and use your personal data provided to us by you:

• Directly, when you enter or send us the information (e.g., register with us, contact us (including email)

6. How and why we use your personal data

Under data protection law, we can only use your personal data, if we have a proper reason to do that:

• Where you have given us your consent for using your personal data; e.g. when you correspond with us;
• To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. Therefore, we can carry out any actions we need to take in order to comply with applicable laws;
• For the performance of a contract with you or to take steps at your request before entering into a contract. This means that we can carry out the actions needed to conclude or execute our contract with you;
• For our legitimate interests or those of the third party;
• Respond to your inquiries; and
• Fulfil or meet the reason you provided the information. For example, if you share your name and contact information to request a price quote or ask a question about our products or services, we will use that personal information to respond to your inquiry.

A legitimate interest is when we have a business or commercial reason to use your personal data, so long as this is not overridden by your rights and interests. We will carry out an assessment when relying on legitimate interests, to balance our interests against your own. You can obtain details of this assessment by contacting us.

7. Keeping your personal data secure

We have implemented and maintained appropriate technical and organisational security measures, policies, and procedures designed to reduce the risk of accidental destruction or loss, or the unauthorised disclosure or access to such information appropriate to the nature of the information concerned. As the security of information depends in part on the security of the computer you use to communicate with us and the security you use to protect User IDs and passwords, please take appropriate measures to protect this information. In addition, we limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors, and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process your personal data on our instructions, and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We also have procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach. We will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected data security breach where we are legally required to do so. By giving us your personal data, you agree to this arrangement. Moreover, all our data and servers are protected by a firewall. Furthermore, all our data is stored securely, and access is limited to only key personnel. We continually test our systems and are ISO 9001, 14001, and 45001 certified which means we follow top industry standards for information security. We follow the cyber essential plus certifications scheme in the United Kingdom.

8. How long your personal data will be kept

We will not keep your personal information for longer than we need it to fulfil the purpose for which we collected it, to act in accordance with any legal, regulatory, or reporting obligations, or to exercise or safeguard the company against any legal claims.

9. Disclosure of Information

Normally, we will not share your personal data with any third parties either in UK or EU. If we do need to share your personal data, we will contact you to obtain your express consent before doing so. However, we are allowed to disclose your personal data/information due to the existence of the following events:
• If in the future we decide to sell our business or company, we can disclose that personal data/ information to the prospective buyer.
• The personal data/information can be shared within the group.
• The personal data/information can be shared if, we have a legal obligation to do so, in order to comply with legal and regulatory obligations.

At the time of the occurrence of these events, reasonable steps will be taken by us to ensure that your data will be handled securely and safely in accordance with your rights which fall under the ambit of GDPR.

10. Your rights

You generally have the following rights under UK GDPR regarding how we can use and keep your personal data. You have the following rights:
• The right to require us to correct any mistakes in your personal data.
• The right to require us to delete your personal data—in certain situations.
• The right to require us to restrict the use of your personal data in certain circumstances, e.g. if you contest the accuracy of the data.
• The right to be provided with a copy of your personal data.
• The right to receive the personal data you provided to us, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and/or transmit that data to a third party—in certain situations.
• The right to object: at any time to your personal data being used for direct marketing (including profiling), in certain other situations to our continued use of your personal data, e.g. where we use your personal data for our legitimate interests unless there are compelling legitimate grounds for the processing to continue or the processing is required for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
• The right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing (including profiling) that produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you. We do not make any such decisions based on data collected by our website.
• If you have provided us with consent to use your personal data you have a right to withdraw that consent easily at any time. Withdrawing consent will not affect the lawfulness of our use of your personal data in reliance on that consent before it was withdrawn.

If you would like to exercise any of those rights, please email or call us to provide the following information:

Provide enough information to identify yourself (full name, address, telephone number, and email address) and any other additional information we may reasonably request from you.

You can exercise these rights free of charge unless we think your request is unfounded, excessive, or repetitive. Where a fee is necessary, we will inform you before proceeding with your request. You have a right to file a complaint to the Information commissioner’s Office (ICO), which is the UK’s supervising authority for data protection-related issues. However, it would be better, if we can mutually solve your issues or concerns before you approach the ICO for any complaint. Therefore, please contact us through email or contact number at the first instance. Please contact us during the course of our transaction, if your personal data changes. Since it is imperative to hold personal data which is accurate and current.

11. Your agreement

By using our website and by way of acceptance, you agree to our privacy policy.

12. Contact us for any concerns related to this Privacy Policy

If you have any concerns related to this privacy policy or if you want to exercise any of your Data protection rights as a data subject, you can contact us in the following ways:

Data Protection Officer
Address: 65 Delamere Road, Hayes, England, UB4 0NN

However, if you are unsatisfied with our response, you may initiate a complaint to the Information Commissioners’ office at the following address:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
